
This Cat Breed Exudes Ethereal Beauty

u/SanuJayawardane / Reddit

Sometimes people like to take into account looks when picking the breed of animal that they’re going to be having as a pet. After all, humans can be quite vain. 


In terms of ethereal-looking aura, look no further than the Norwegian Forest cat, who looks just as majestic as the name suggests. Reddit user u/SanuJayawardane shared a photo of their Norwegian Forest cat on the site’s largest forum for cat owners, and people have since expressed interest to have one of their own.

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According to the pet database Spruce Pets, Norwegian Forest cats naturally evolved in the forests of Norway for hundreds of years. The coat is said to be long and dense, which is evident in the pictures of this breed online. These cats are friendly and interactive but tend to prefer having their own adventures alone. They can also live up to 16 years.

In the original Reddit thread, commenters expressed the desire to have one of their own and even said that the cat looks just as majestic as cats should be.

Some expressed how they’re resisting getting one, but they really wanted to get one. Isn’t that a mood whenever there’s a really cool item that fits the aesthetic? Sometimes the budget is the issue, or in this case the time to care for (another) animal.


Regardless, we can all agree on how good this breed of cats looks. They all feel like they’ve been here for a thousand years and bear witness to humanity’s downfall, which they chuckle at by nightfall.


Spruce Pets. (2022, June 21). Meet the Large and Adventurous Norwegian Forest Cat. The Spruce Pets. Retrieved August 13, 2022, from