Not sure what essential things you need to have to bring a cat home and have a successful start to your first time owning a cat? How many climbing spots should I do? How much food to buy? How much food do I need? How do you choose a litter box? Worry no more, Purrtacular got you!
Essentials to buy: litter boxes, litter, pooper scooper, food bowls, water bowls, climbing spots, and toys.
1. Litter boxes
A litter box that is well-kept helps a cat stay physically and mentally healthy, and it also allows our cats to keep being interested in using it for doing their “business”. So they also allow cat owners to clean up their cats easily. If you own a dog, make sure it’s away from the dog to make the cat comfortable since they really want to have their own space.
Note: 1 litter box for 1 cat
2. Litter
There are two kinds of litter, clay and not clay. A lot of people use clay because that’s what has been around forever, it’s also a very cheap and easy cleanup. You would only need about 3-5 inches of litter in the box for your cat to be satisfied.
3. Food
There is food for kittens and adults. Cats under 1 year old should eat kitten food, then you can transition to adult food after that. You should also remember to keep your cat hydrated since they don’t do it well for themselves. Also, our vet said that the only seafood they should eat is actual fish. Canned seafood is actually not that great for them… But with dry food though, make sure to get whatever they like.
4. Climbing Spots
Climbing spots are really important for cats. We’ve noticed that cats like being in the same room that the owner is in or at least the next one over, so it’s a great area for climbing spots. And, they also like looking out the windows, so be careful of your cords and blinds. We suggest having your climbing spots by the window: The ideal would be two in the living room and one in the back of the house so they can watch you while you’re outside in the backyard.
5. Toys
Get 1 of each cat toy type for your cat. They may have a favorite toy they want to play with and maybe ignore the rest, which is why you only want to get 1 of each type when your cat first gets home.
6. Scratching Post
Either make sure the climbing spots you get are covered with them or buy some of the cardboard ones you can put around. Because your furniture will get messed up if you don’t.