
These Two Cats On A Shelf Are Aesthetically Pleasing

u/yulchikon / Reddit

Occasionally cat photos would go beyond meme quality and wind up being rather aesthetically pleasing in its own merit. There are photos that simply make one swoon in excitement for how aesthetically pleasing it is, and the results are quite adorable. One caveat in making cat photos aesthetically pleasing is that you will need aesthetically pleasing furniture, which can cost a lot.


This Reddit user’s cats have decided that they want aesthetic shelves for themselves. Naturally, the owner took a picture and posted it online. The photo garnered hundreds of upvotes and comments from many other cat enthusiasts.

The comments section is surely a delight to read, with many cracking jokes about cats’ usual behaviors in this situation. One noted that putting anything onto those shelves would be a sure guarantee of it getting knocked out.

Another joke made an allusion to the popular adage that humans are simply subservient to cats in general. 

Cats are surely a man’s annoying but lovable best friend.