
Someone Replaced The Jurassic Park Dinosaurs With Cats, And It’s Pawsome!

So, there’s a little movie called Jurassic Park that became a pop culture phenomenon years ago. It made people scared, but one thing is for sure, people loved the action packed film. And, last year a follow up film to the first Jurassic Park came out. So, people got to relive the great dinosaur thriller! And, then came a cat person, filled Jurassic Park scenes with cats, and it became a whole new film. It turns out that cats can be pretty scary….in a funny way 🙂

And just like in the real movie, I’m not buying that you got away from that.

This is eggdorable…

Yup, it was the movement that got him killed…If only he’d had a ball of yarn to throw.

I’m the kitten!

Giant cats to the rescue!

And just of the other side was that huuuuuge cat turd.

It’s running with the cats

Wiggle wiggle pose!

What’s that? An earthquake? No, just the cat purring.

Don’t move they are getting wet and that makes them flighty.

Wiggle wiggle I’m going to get you

Cat’s and balls what a wonderful idea!

“I said, pet the kitty, Red.”


You guys just wait here and I will be right back, so stay, okay?

I can’t believe he killed this giant, beautiful creature just so he could take a picture with it!

I’m not dangerous I just want to be petted

Why did I have fishsticks for lunch?!

Free tiger!

I know you have a tuna sandwich…..

Great, now I got that old song stuck in my head, “Stuck in the middle with you”

Imagine if cats were really as big as dinosaurs! Share with friends!