
Sick Six-Week-Old Kitten Rescued

u/littlelegocow / Reddit

When this Reddit user found this kitten off the street next to their apartment, they found her with infected eyes and a high fever. The vet they took her to said that she would’ve died if they hadn’t brought her to the vet.

u/littlelegocow / Reddit

Now it’s been a week, and the cat’s condition has improved. The owner describes her as a healthy playful little girl. Photos can be seen of the cat lounging around on their couch, and even playing with stuff.

u/littlelegocow / Reddit

The owner added that the cat has two names!

Eye infections are rather common in cats, and as such, the doctor prescribed two types of medicine, one taken orally and the other as eye drops. The owner is hopeful it will not be a recurring issue.

u/littlelegocow / Reddit

The other community members were thankful for their rescue, as many people tend to abandon cats that get sick.