
Precious Cat Gets A Second Chance At Life Thanks To Bionic Legs

This is Pooh the Cat. Unfortunately, he lost his back legs in a car accident. But, there was light at the end of the tunnel for this kitty. Thanks to ground-breaking surgery gets to walk on all fours again.

Pooh is a stray cat and lives in Bulgaria. He has been fitted with bionic legs, which are two tiny polymer and rubber paws mounted on titanium stems.

Dr. Vladislav Zlatinov performed the surgery. He’s the first European vet to have successfully completed this bionic technique. Aside from Pooh, Dr. Zlatinov has also performed the procedure on an eight-month old cat named Steven, who lost both his hind legs last year.

The operation was graciously paid for with donations made to a rescue organization called, “Let’s Adopt Bulgaria”. Since the procedure, Pooh is healthy and has regained all of his lost weight from the surgery. He is now able to run and play just like any other cat.

A video of the paw-fect legs in action:

Those little legs may not be real, but they just make this kitty even cuter! Share with friends!
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