
People Are Posting Pics Of Their Cats Before & After Being Called A Good Boy/Girl

When a reddit user ‘JavaReallySucks’ uploaded a photo titled “dog before and after being called a good boy” it instantly inspired others to try to do the same with their pets. The responses varied from serious attempts to just fun pictures, but what really stood out was the cats. While dogs may be jumping for joy after hearing you praise them, the felines COULDN’T. CARE. LESS.

Before And After Being Called A Good Boy

Before And After Being Called A Good Girl

Stella Before And After Being Called A Good Girl

Before And After Being Called A Good Boy

Before And After Being Called A Good Girl

Before And After Being Called A Good Boy

Before And After Called A Good Boy

Before And After Being Called A Good Boy

Cat Before & After Being Told She Is Such A Good Girl

Before And After Being Called A Good Boy

Simone… Who’s A Good Girl? I Guess Not Simone.

Before And After “good Boy”

Who’s A Good Girl, Mika-meeks?

Calypso, Before And After Being Called A Good Girl

Before And After Being Called A Good Girl

Before And After Being Called Good Boy (too Proud To Make It Show)

Before – Is Skeptical / After – I Guess I Am A Good Boy

Before And After Called Good Girl

He’s Not Loving It

Before And After Being Called A Good Girl

Before Good Girl And After

Before And After Being Called A “good Boy”


Before And After Calling Him A Good Boy


Oh God She Has No Idea I’m Not A Good Boy

I Am Not Sure If She Was Good…

Before And After “good Kitty”

Don’t Care, Still Dont

Before And After Being Called Good Boy

How does your cat react to good boy or girl?