This Cat Is A Part-Time Genie

This cat looks like it could grant your wishes if you released it from its vase.   Reddit user u/myself_diff shared this rather interesting photo of...

PICTURE: This Chonker Wants More Food

Sometimes even the daily food you eat isn’t quite enough, and you wind up craving some more. Sure, it happens to the best of...

These Two Cats Are A Perfect Couple

They certainly make the owner feel like a third wheel. However, these photos are too cute so the owner doesn’t mind at all.   The owner,...

Blind Cat on Tiktok gone viral!

Sometimes we can't change what we are born in, there are people who are born smart, people who are born average, and people who...

Cat wanted to hug, Friend cat licked as a comfort.

catsnavu Posted a video of cats being overly sweet to each other. In the video, you will see a cat going to a nearby...