Cats Who Will Make Your Day Better
Need a little something to take your mind off things? We have just the thing!
These fluffballs in this adorable video will definitely make your...
Maru The Cat Accidentally Tries On Different Wigs After His Owner Builds A Box...
Meet Maru – the 9-year-old Scottish fold is one of the most famous cats on the internet with a whopping 500k subscribers on Youtube...
21 Cats That Give A Whole New Meaning To The Term "Dog Bed"
These cats have all traded their kitty beds for dogs instead. And their dog pals don't mind at all. They prefer the natural fur, and heated body of a dog, over a man-made, cotton filled, lifeless bed :) I mean, to these cats, their "dog beds", are like tempurpedic mattresses! Just look at them laying on the dogs...they look like they're sleeping on clouds! Does your kitty enjoy sleeping on dogs?
19 Reasons Cats Are Much More Suitable Pets Than Dogs…The Good, Bad, And The...
If you're debating whether to get a dog or a cat, then you'll want to look over these pictures which sum up the ugly and attractive truth about cats' and dogs' daily adventures. Let's put it this way, their ideas of 'fun' vary greatly :)
Mother Cat Hugs Her Precious Kittens
An absolutely adorable moment was captured on camera when this mother cat named Pino playfully hugs her little kittens.
Isn't this just precious?