29 Reddit Users Confess The Absolute Worst Their Cats' Have Done…

Reddit users went on to confess the worst 'crimes' their kitties have done. And, they did not disappoint. All of these confessions are guaranteed to make you laugh. Some will have you on the floor laughing. We're starting to think that cats are completely genius. They come off as sweet and innocent, but they know exactly what they're doing. And, they're so slick about it! All in all, cats are superb entertainment!

Every Time They Ask “Ya Hungry?” This Is How She Responds!

"She's always hungry...always!" "Our kitty CEO lets us know with meows, head butts, and belly flops." Cat: "I trained this man to ask if I'm hungry...

Ninja Cat Steals A Fisherman's Catch And It's Hilarious

Cats have a thing about fish don't they. You often cartoons depicting cats obsessed with fish. That might be the case with this stealthy...

Cool Cat Chills Out at the Mall

Nowadays, it is normal to see animals who act like humans. Some dance, eat, dress and even sing like humans. Well this cat was...

18 Cat Photographs Caught At The Perfect Time

Were these cats posing, or are they just this clever? The world may never know. But, what we do know is that, they were...