13 Photos That Prove Cats And Dogs Are Worlds Apart
You know how people say, "I'm a cat person," or "I'm a dog person", well that's because there's no grey area between the two. They are so different from the other. And, one isn't better than the other. It's just the challenges you face with one, you may not with the other. But, if you really think about it, the differences between the two, are actually quite funny....hysterical even....
15+ Cats That Don't Understand The Meaning of Personal Space
Is there a limit to how much our cats demand both our attention and expect us to do whatever that pleases them? That's probably one of the reasons why we love them so much. In many cases, the lengths they are willing to go to in order to achieve our attention can lead to hilarious images like we have here.
Here are 15+ examples of ridiculous cats that just don't understand the meaning of personal space. Let us know your favorites in the comments!
21 Benefits Of Having A Cat
You are probably here because you are crazy about our cats like us! This is one of the many reasons why Lingvistov has published a guide of 21 benefits of having a cat! This is an awesome book for your cat friends, cat relatives, fellow cat ladies and cat appreciators and yourself of course!
Life is so much brighter when we have cats and this book is the purrrfect!
20+ Awesome Furniture Design Ideas For Cat Lovers
Seeing as International Cat Day just passed, we figured that many cat owners are thinking about gifts for their cat companions to show them...
Cats Born With No Eyelids, Get Their Eyesight Saved, And They Couldn't Be Happier
These two cats were found wandering around Australia, at the age of just five weeks old. A couple rescued them and took them in....