14 Times Cats Ruined Totally Perfect Shots

No, these aren't photo bombs. These are way more. Because these are what could have been, "perfect shots"...but they weren't so perfect once the...

Precious Ginger Kitten Will Melt Your Heart

You won't be able to stop falling in love with this precious little ginger kitten! He might be tiny but he is so big...

30+ Before And After Pics of Cats Growing Up With Their Favorite Toys

Most of us when we were younger had a favorite toy whether it be a blanket, pillow or stuffed animal. Often times kitties do same thing, the toy they loved and played with when they were youngest remains their favorite til this very day. These before and after pics show just how adorable cats are growing up with their favorite toys.

10+ Very UnPhotogenic Cats That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Some of us just naturally take photos better than others and this rule doesn't just apply to us humans. While smiling is a natural instinct for most of us...it's not that easy say for a cat. So what better way to make us feel better about our not so photogenic photos than compiling a hilarious list of horribly non-photogenic cats!

19 Cats That Failed Their Jumps Miserably…and Hilariously..

For the most part, cats never get their jumps wrong. Their calculations for a jump, are always on point, making them land to perfection....