14+ Yin Yang Cats That Are The Purrfect Fit
They say that black cats are bad luck, and that white cats are good luck. Of course, that's all superstition. Some take it as truth, some take it as rumors. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is for sure. The two types of cats looks magnificent together. Just looks at these beautiful pairs of ying and yang kitties....
This Is What It Looks Like When Cats Love Their Humans A Little Too...
We love our cats, and they love us. But, are there times when you're just like "ok, maybe they love me a little too much today"? The cuddling sessions have gotten longer, personal space doesn't exist anymore in your house, and every corner you turn, they are there. Maybe sometimes their love for their humans literally has no boundaries!
Watch What Bruno Does When He Wants To Get Into The House, You Won't...
Cats are clever creatures that will take over the world and this one is extra smart. Whenever he wants to be let inside the...
Cats And Their First World Problems…What A Struggle!
What a tough life cats live. And, we mean that as sarcastically as possible. Cats sleep hard, eat hard, relax hard, annoy hard....they basically...
Heartbroken Cat Spends 1 Year By Her Dead Owner’s Grave
This cute kitten loved her owner so much she couldn't bear to leave her side. A year has passed since owner passed away, but...