Cat Sees Owner After 6 Month Leave
When you've been gone from home for an extended time it's always nice to receive a warm welcome upon coming home. To know that...
This Commercial With Cats In A Grocery Store is Hilarious!
So, you know those videos that are absolutely hilarious when you watch them but afterwards you think "What did I just watch?!" Yes, this...
16 Cat Motivational Posters That You Can Agree With
What could be better than cats and motivational posters? Nothing. This is genius. Good life advice, combined with the timeless and quirky sense of humor of a cat. Yes, please! So, next time you're feeling a little down, or unsure about the way things are going in your life, just refer back to these babies....
This Teeny-Tiny Kitten Will Melt Your Heart!
Get ready, this teeny-tiny sleeping kitten is about to release some big "aww’s!". You might be surprised when you see just how tiny this guy...
Heavily Pregnant Cat Cried Out To People To Help Feed Her. Then An Angel...
Even the most avid of all animal lovers know that as hard as they may try, they simply cannot help every single stray in...