Hiking with your cat: Insights form JJ Yosh

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWlMOqod0l0 If you're someone who has always been an avid hiker and cat lover, you know that hiking with your cat can be an exciting...

Cat Shows Up To House And Gets Treatment

Cats are creatures that may survive in the wild, but sometimes they also need human love. Cats are our best friend, and there are...

Cat Feels Horrors Of Packing

Packing is the hardest part of any trip or move. There are many reasons for it, but one of them can be just how...

These Cats Are Not Quite Right

Who doesn’t like quirks? Often there may be people who perceive quirks or differences as a negative thing, but there are also cases wherein...

Cat being “Yeeted” to its food gone viral

Cats are known for their spring-like legs, they can jump wherever they can reach and still be safe, but how many of there being...