
Man Transforms Entertainment Center Into Private Kitty Bathroom Stalls….

This man bought an entertainment center for himself, but soon realized that his cats loved it more. So, it clicked in his head, that he could transform it to serve two purposes instead of one. He repainted it, just to refreshen it. And, then he cut out holes from the bottom cubby into another. He then took the doors off the two center cubbies, leaving the doors on only the outer two cubbies. The section without doors were their beds. The ones without doors, had litter boxes inside, so they can go in through the holes, and do their business in private.

He initially bought this entertainment center for himself on Craigslist, but it later became clear that his cats wanted it for themselves.

After brightening it up with white paint and removing the top, he realized that he could modify the bottom storage for his feline companions.

That’s when he decided to move it into his bedroom and cut holes in the middle doors and on the inside of the storage compartments with a jigsaw.

Attaching carpet to the bottom middle compartment would help prevent any loose litter from falling out of the entertainment center.

The easy part was just placing the litter boxes inside at each end and closing the doors, which surprisingly did wonders for masking the smell!

Now you can’t even tell there are any litter boxes at all!

And it’s safe to say the kitties are pleased with their new bathroom.

Here’s the innovative family…

Thumbs up for cleverness! Share with friends!
(h/t: Viralnova )