
Is It Okay For Cats To Stay Indoors

u/Advanced-Spring-1866 / Reddit

Cat owners tend to be divided on this key issue. It is an interesting divide, as some people think that keeping an “indoor cat” is inherently cruel, while others argue that it is generally safer, and probably better.


The environment could be a big factor, as many places are less safe for stray cats than others. Cat owners living in urban poor environments may be inclined to keep their cats indoors. But cat owners living in gated villages may prefer to let their pets roam free, as there is less likelihood that they will be stolen by others.

While there may be a variety of reasons that people keep their cats indoors, they do feel that perhaps the cats generally like their set-up and don’t really feel discomfort at not often being indoors.


Many others bring up the safety issue of letting them loose in a city, especially when next to a busy road. It is a really important angle to consider when talking about this issue, especially in a forum among animal enthusiasts.

u/Advanced-Spring-1866 / Reddit

An astute user brought up another important angle, which is regarding environmental consequences. Cats evolved in the deserts of North Africa, and so anywhere else that they exist, they are technically considered to be an invasive species, that if released onto places with delicate ecosystems, could upend the food web. These days, most people are supportive of preserving the biodiverse regions we have here on Earth, especially in an age where megacorporations threaten their existence. This is a major reason why cats who are strays are generally spayed or neutered by local conservationists.

It is good that pet owners are having these discussions and generally take on impartial views that allow for looking at this issue through an objective lens. Humanity would have more hope if and only if more people were willing to put in an effort to look at issues from an objective point of view. This is especially important in issues that concern things like the environment.