
IKEA Donates Doll Beds For Shelter Cats To Sleep In

Shelters and rescue centers have very limited resources but they do try their best in helping animals in their care. Most places are outfitted with concrete floors making them cheap and easy to clean and maintain but the downside is they aren’t very comfortable. While most places should have blankets or mats for the animals to sleep on, there really isn’t a substitute for a warm and comfy bed…

For the cats at the Etobicoke Humane Society in Ontario,  IKEA made a small donation of 10 dolls beds that are the purr-fectly sized for cats, they also made a $300 contribution towards a brighter future for rescued animals.

“Our floors are easy to clean but not terribly comfortable to lay on,” writes EHS on Facebook. “Now cats like Catsby and Frankie have beds of their own to curl up in.”

They make the ideal resting place for any sleepy kitty.

And as you can see, the kitties love them!

Watch the video here:

Learn more about the Etobicoke Humane Society on Facebook and Instagram