
Elderly Lion Soulmates Are Put To Sleep Together So Neither Has To Live Alone

Last Thursday, the Los Angeles Zoo made the impossible decision to put two of their lions to sleep together so neither has to live alone. 21-year-old soulmates Hubert and Kalisa were euthanized “due to their declining health and age-related illnesses that had diminished their quality of life.”

Hubert was born at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, and Kalisa was from Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. They met after they were transferred to Los Angeles Zoo in 2014. They have been completely inseparable since being together.

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“These lions were charismatic both together as partners and separately, but they were hardly ever apart from one another”

“We have been touched by the community who have shared their fond memories of Hubert and Kalisa with us on social media. The pair’s love for one another created a deeper connection with our guests and incredible empathy, which we have seen through the outpouring show of support from our guests.”

Lions that live in captivity make often make it to the age of 20-25 years, while the life expectancy of a lion living in the wild is about 12-16 years of age.