Cats In Business Attire That Remind Us Cats Are Still The Boss Gratification 1 month ago These pictures are a reminder that cats are the boss. They’re made for this! “Do I look good for the managerial position interview?” reddit/scorcherdarkly “If I’d known you had tattoos, I probably wouldn’t have hired you” reddit/marsinagua “You have no idea how replaceable you are.” reddit/melenzel “Since you’re good at your job you’re just going to have to get used to people using you. Stop being stressed out when people put too much on your plate.” reddit/FrustratedCalico “I don’t care if you have to stay up all night to do your job. Get it done” reddit/tallalittlebit “You needing to take time off to help your dad after his heart attack is really messing with our schedule, are you sure you can’t work more?” reddit/kgstacy “I have no idea what you do and I don’t care to find out. Here’s your performance review!” reddit/inginginginging “shut up and remember who signs your damn paycheck!” reddit/thewideintermission “if it were up to me, you would have been fired already. I don’t see why John seems to think we need you” reddit/BaskIceBall “You can tell me how to run my business when you have a degree.” reddit/bonsaimushroom