Cat Is Obsessed With Her New Baby Brother
This is just pure and beautiful! Mia the cat has discovered that there’s a new baby brother in the family and has decided that...
Why Do Cats Like To Sleep With Us?
The reasons why our felines choose to sleep with many hours of sleep do you think you've lost because of your cats?
How Cats Say “I Love You” To Us
Cats can be a bit smug and are very independent but this doesn't mean they don't love us in their own special ways. Unlike...
Sweet And Kind Kitty Soothes Crying Baby
There are still many people in this world who believe it is bad to put babies and cats together. If they only got to...
Mommy Cat Closely Guards Her Tiny Kitten
It's well-known that mommy cats can be very protective of their young. They will do anything and everything to protect their kittens because the...
Kitten Learning to Use Litter Box Has Some Great Moves
This delightful little kitten is learning how to use the litter box.
He's been watching his mama and he understands the principle...but he’s not having...
Curious Kitty Just Can’t Resist When He Notices His Human Eating
"When i eat my toast on table my cat stand on chair and want to catch the meat and he do it very silent...
A Group Of Reluctant Men Were Forced To Hold Kittens For The First Time…Now...
It can be hard to believe, but not everyone in the world is a fan of cats. A group of giant men who have...
Tiny Kitten Orders a Meal
Meet Boris, an adorable kitten asking his foster mama for dinner with the cutest of meows. He's definitely not short of conversation when it...
Kitten Simply Will Not Let Go of His New Toy
This purrticular kitten has a new favorite toy and he's not giving it up for anyone or any reason! Well it's actually not a...