
Cat Was Ran Over But Rescuers Made Him Fully Recover

The neighborhood told the rescuers that there was a cat nearby that got run over, they immediately went to the area and found the poor cat screaming in agony. They were shocked by his condition and were panicking.

They took the cat home before bringing it to a vet. They provided the cat with food and water, but the cat refused it. He was crying from pain.

They then went to bring the cat to the vet. After he was examined, they found out that the cat has a hernia in his abdominal muscles that led to his exit intestines.

The vet did an X-ray to see if the cat had any broken bones. It turned out that he has a fracture to the pelvic. The vet decided that an urgent surgery was needed.

Fortunately, the surgery was done successfully. :))

After the surgery and a couple of weeks have already passed, the cat is now fully recovered. Life is really beautiful. He is named Coco 🙂

watch the full video here: