
Cat Wanders Into Bear Enclosure And Finds New Best Friend

When a feral cat wondered into the bear enclosure at the Folsom City Zoo, no one expected this to happen. Zookeepers said a feral cat wandering through the zoo in search of food struck up an unexpected friendship with a 550-pound black bear.
“Every morning we scatter dog food for the bears and she started coming into the exhibit and eating the dog food,” – Jill Faust, senior lead zoo keeper “Once she started coming in here on a regular basis we started putting food out for her in the morning as well.”
Senior lead zookeeper Jill Faust said the cat was dubbed Little Bear after workers noticed her shadowing a 550-pound bear named Sequoia. “Sequoia walks right by her, she’ll walk right by Sequoia and they’ll stay pretty close to each other,” Faust said. The zoo said Little Bear seems to ignore the other bears in the zoo, but she has a “special relationship” with Sequoia.

The cat thinks that the bear is a big cat, and the bear thinks that the cat is a small bear
Just goes to show that friendships have no bounds and can be found anywhere in the world!