
Cat Sits Calmly In Tub

u/Rapunzel_X_ / Reddit

Cats are naturally afraid of water, but that doesn’t stop some from taking on the extreme sport of hanging out in wet places even when not necessary. This cat is relaxed in a bathtub, even if it seems that it should be jumping the moment it touched the surface of the water.

Of course, they’re doing fine, and their relaxation is evident from how they look. We should all aspire to be this calm in the face of things that we fear. After all, fear is simply a little death that crawls, and it’s up to us whether we face it.

Just take a look at the majestic peace in its eyes. Isn’t that so charming? This commenter really put it so well.

Most sources online claim that cats are fine bathing on their own without us having to bathe them, but it isn’t necessarily bad to do so, just technically unnecessary.