
Cat Poses As If In A Serious Interview

u/Markmw331 / Reddit

One of the most stressful things in the life of a human is a job interview. To some, it’s exciting, but for most of us, it can be quite dreadful.


This cat, however, shows such suaveness that they could very well be accepted for any interview that they might participate in. The cat exudes such a smart aura that you would want them to immediately be the CEO.

u/Markmw331 / Reddit

The cat seems sure of the answers they will say, and would surely be perfect.


One commenter says what the hypothetical “bonus” they would give to this cat, and it’s the most premium cat food around.

Some made a joke about an offering table with multiple treats.

Nevertheless, there seems to certainly a group of people who would love a cat as a co-worker. After all, there had been multiple cities that elected cats for public office. At least cats won’t embezzle.

u/Markmw331 / Reddit