Home Stories Cat Looks Like It Lost All Its Motivation

Cat Looks Like It Lost All Its Motivation

u/latsyo / Reddit

As humans get older, we tend to lose sight of what we really want to be or want to do. And in modern society, a monumental amount of chores need to be done. More often than not, we tend to lose the motivation to do these chores, or these chores eat us up so much that we stop caring about our dreams that feel more and more like pipe dreams, especially dreams that require a lot of money to accomplish.

u/latsyo / Reddit

This cat’s facial expression seems to perfectly capture this feeling perfectly, which many people on Reddit felt. Sadly, the cat was in actual distress, according to the owner. Many people in the comments offered some type of help as well, as some concluded that the cat was in genuine distress. There were debates about why the original poster simply posted a photo, but it should be understood that not everyone can take home a random cat on short notice.

byu/latsyo from discussion

Nevertheless, the spirit of helping a distressed cat is there in the comments section.

u/latsyo / Reddit