
Amazing Footage Captures Tiger Giving Birth To Twin Cubs

Any birth is amazing, but since the Sumatran tiger is an endangered species, the birth of twins is an even more remarkable story. This footage captures Australia Zoo’s Sumatran Tiger, Kaitlyn, as she gives birth to not one, but two twin male tigers.
According to Australia Zoo, Clark said, “Not only will these cubs ensure the survival of the species in captivity, but they will also provide genetic diversity among captive tiger populations. The cubs’ wild bloodline is an important factor. These cubs are possibly the most significant births for the program in recent history.”

There are only about 500 Sumatran Tigers in the world so this birth certainly means a a significant increase in the population for the future.
The circle of lifeeeeee?

Mother Tiger: I don’t know what these small slimy things are, but they are mine and I will kill anything that comes near them.