Some cats are exuberant and crave affection, while others are timid and appear aloof. The majority of the time, this is due to individual personality differences. Some cats, however, may be less affectionate because they did not receive adequate socialization with humans when they were young.

The interaction of genetics and early experience as a kitten shapes a cat’s behavior and personality. The first few weeks of a cat’s life can have a long-term impact on their subsequent behavior; this is known as the socialisation period, and it occurs between the ages of two and seven weeks. This time in a cat’s life gives them a perspective on the world; it serves as a reference point for things later in life and allows them to react appropriately. Cats that have not been handled by humans during this critical period may be less affectionate and seek attention.

However, because each cat is unique, there may be many ways your cat is attempting to show affection, albeit subtly, but you may have to look a little harder to see the signs. If your cat is more stoic or aloof, watch this video as you learn a the reason why your cat is behaving like that.


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