Home Cute New Cat Introduced To Older Cat: They’re Shy

New Cat Introduced To Older Cat: They’re Shy

u/Yunchmeister / Reddit

Sometimes, meeting new people can be quite stressful. You feel tense, have awkward shivers, and feel like you might mess up the next interaction. That’s the truth of life, no matter who you are. That is also the case even if you have four legs and lots of furs.


Just take a look at these two cats. One older and one that the owner, Reddit user u/Yunchmeister, just took home. One is a Ragdoll and the other is a Void.


Apparently, they poked each other at the same time. Aww.

byu/Yunchmeister from discussion

According to the comments, Ragdolls are generally friendly, and so the owner will likely see the two cats be friends soon enough.