Home Cute A Wholesome Group Of Stray Cats

A Wholesome Group Of Stray Cats

If you needed some cheering up then this image posted by Reddit user u/WarpSpeedGuineaPig recently might just do it.

u/WarpSpeedGuineaPig / Reddit

It has the same energy as many of those “Den of Purring Cats” videos posted on social media and is just as heartwarming.


Many users expressed their desires to go over there and pet all of the cats, but apparently, there is already a “long line” to do so.

byu/WarpSpeedGuineaPig from discussion

The poster identified that the place is called Tala Monastery cat sanctuary on the Greek island of Cyprus.


We all needed this, didn’t we? Many of the commenters agree, especially as a nice thing to look at when feeling down or desolate. 


Some never failed to crack jokes about the possibility of the cats being owned by a single person.

byu/WarpSpeedGuineaPig from discussion

It’s certainly a treat to have after a stressful part of your life.