Home Cute Cat loves sleeping beside its owner

Cat loves sleeping beside its owner

All cat lovers probably know that cats like sleeping at their bedside, but some owners don’t want their pets to be too close because they might be rolled over in the bed. though there are other pets who will sleep on your chest, stomach, and even worse, your head. Cats usually do this because they marked your body as their territory and would love to have a bond with you, also because your body is warm, which is perfect for sleeping on a cold night.

The video that I am about to show you show one of these moments.

this video was posted on 2021-8-5, on Tiktok by ellaescala, At first glance, you can see the owner is sleeping on its bed comfortable with this cute little cat approaching the sleeping woman in the bed.

You might think that the cat is just gonna cross over the woman but it didn’t, instead, it flopped down unto her side as if it’s the most natural thing to do.

the cat seems very comfortable in this position, we can ascertain that this isn’t the first time that this cat does this and probably the cat sleeps at its owner’s bedside every night under her armpits.

As you can see in the picture above the cat is very comfortable, it briefly glance at the direction of the camera before closing its eyes, the background music in the video made it even better because of its relaxing and beautiful vibe that it gives, thus gained popularity on the platform.


🥺 #catsoftiktok #petsoftiktok #cat

♬ Just The Two of Us – Kauai45 & Sweet Cocoa

This very short video already has gotten viral, though it’s a simple showing of affection, it gathered 2.3M likes and more than 3 million views over the days since it has been posted.

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