People in the neighborhood called the rescuers for help. This cat was found on the road, it was said that a car hit this poor little one and left it helpless, the car just drove away.

It was already late at night, these rescuers were supposed to meet with friends but they canceled and rescheduled. They prioritized an animal in need and didn’t hesitate.

The poor cat just stayed because it wasn’t able to move, he was very injured and was in shock.

They put the cat in a box since it was their only option at that time.

When they were about to leave, a lady came close, the lady just wanted to make sure it was not her cat or from the neighbors.

As the rescuers were driving, they called the vet and asked for her to open the clinic for this poor cat. Fortunately, the vet agreed to help the cat even if it was already late.

The vet examined the cat thoroughly, the back side of his body was severely injured. He also had a small injury inside the mouth and wasn’t able to breath properly.

It was advised that the cat would be staying at the clinic. The cat was a bit afraid, but the vet is trying her best and would always be by his side. Let’s hope that this kitten recovers fully!

watch the full video here:


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