Videos of an injured cat were found in a social media group to help cats. He was roaming around a parking lot and was very injured, he needed urgent help.

The rescuers, Stoyan and Dessy, immediately took their cat trap and drove to the place when they saw the post.

The rescuers arrived. The cat hid when he saw the rescuers, he was very afraid. It was said that the cat was already dragging its legs, he managed to hide under the crack though.

So they set up the trap and took distance.

The rescuers waited for a bit until he appeared again. The trap was a success!

It was already late and the clinics were already closed. They had taken him to their cat shelter room. They were not sure what happened to the cat, if someone abused him or if it was an accident.

These kittens welcomed him. The rescuers had to calm the kittens down though since they were scared of the poor guy.

They chose to name him Roonie. Roonie was freed, and the poor boy hardly walked.

He was also afraid of human contact. We can see that he has really gone through a lot.

They took him to the vet next morning. The vet took two x-rays and examined him. It was found out that the cat probably fell or was hit by a car. The cat’s spine was injured, it must have been painful for Roonie.

The vet told them that the cat will need 3 weeks of treatment and she also gave him 3 injections, they also have to bring the cat back to the clinic from time to time for more injections. Chances of full recovery are high though. 🙂

I would hope for you guys to pray for Ronnie, he will definitely get through this and live a good life!

watch the full video here:


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