5 Signs your cat is dying
It’s not easy to lose a pet. With cats, we get attached to them since they’re like family. They also live long lives, so we get attached to those times spent with them. As your cat grows old with you, it would be best to keep watch for signs that your cat is giving. This will help them have better comfort during this time.
1. Lack of Interest In Eating and Drinking
Your cat will get too tired and weak to drink/eat. Like any other animal, it’s also common to lose your appetite if you’re weak and dying. Their bodies know that it takes time to process anything.
2. Change in appearance and smell
Cats love to groom themselves. When they are weak and tired, they lose the energy to keep themselves clean, and they’ll begin to look unkempt. They will even develop an unpleasant odor. The odor is because of toxins building up in the body due to an illness. The smell will get worse over time because they really don’t have a way to remove the toxins.
3. Extreme weight loss
Weight loss is really common with old cats. This is due to normal muscle loss: as your cat ages, it will become harder for the body to process what is consumed. Your cat may eat well, and still lose weight. Some weight loss is caused by illnesses.
4. Extra Hiding
Cats often prefer solitude if they are ill. They also understand that they’re very vulnerable at this time, and hiding is one of the ways that a cat can protect themselves.
5. Behavioral Changes
Behavior varies for many reasons, but some behavioral changes are signs that an old cat is getting ready to pass away. The cat may become more aloof, lose interest in playing, or become more social. Many behavioral changes could occur.
How To Comfort Your Dying Cat
If you know that your cat is probably dying, you would want to make the cat feel loved and comfortable as much as possible during the remaining time you’re with her. Here are suggestions:
1. Give your cat more love and attention
Give him what he wants to eat, let him decide wherever he wants to sleep, and just spoil him a lot. Give him the right medication and just be there with them since your presence is very important.
2. Be mindful of the effects of the medication taken
You are the only one who can decide when enough is enough and when he needs that painless final push to go to heaven.
3. Treat her with her favorite foods
Some cooked raw meat, some expensive food, or delicious cat treats? It’s fine as long as you just make sure it wouldn’t upset her stomach.
4. Get Kitty Painkillers
We don’t want to let our cats feel pain as much as possible. It would be a good idea to get kitty painkillers ready just in case.
If you’re currently going through this, we know it’s one of the worst feelings. But you’re amazing for taking care of your cat and giving him comfort til the end. There isn’t so much we can do, try to be gentle with yourself as well.