Some of us just naturally take photos better than others and this rule doesn’t just apply to us humans. While smiling is a natural instinct for most of us…it’s not that easy say for a cat. So what better way to make us feel better about our not so photogenic photos than compiling a hilarious list of horribly non-photogenic cats!
1Go To Bed You’re Drunk
2Blah 😛
3Turn That Justin Beiber Song Down
4Bing Bong
5When You’re Studying For Exams…
6This Is Bat Cat
7Too Much Nip
8“My Co-workers Cat Has Suddenly Realized Something I Want To Know About”
9Elfie & Gimli are Cartoon Villains
10“39 Our Cat Was So Photogenic When He Was A Kitten”
11Aww Yisss, Catnip
12“I Guess My Cat Isn’t Very Photogenic”
13Garrus, Total Charmer
14Cat Sneezing
15Someone Seems To Have Drank All The Bottles…
16A Picture Tells A Thousand Words…
17Can You Feel The Sneeze Coming?
18Unflattering Cat Selfie
19Derpy Cat
21Deeeep Sleeeep
If these made you laugh be sure to share it with your friends!