
3 Major Reasons Our Kitties Love To Climb Into Bed With Their Humans

Cats truly love to nap or sleep. They actually sleep an average of 16-20 hours a day, and as most cat owners know, they can sleep just about anywhere.
So, why exactly do our kitties insist in sleeping in bed with you?
They obviously are able to sleep just about anywhere else in the house, and waking up with a paw or a tail in your face can be a bit annoying – but cute at the same time!
Here are the 3 major reasons why your feline friend loves to climb into bed with you.


It’s truly no secret at all that cats love warmth. Whether it’s on your laptop, lying in the sun, or bring all curled up by the fireplace or space heater, your cat is actually a magnet for heat sources. Naturally, lying and snuggling with their human in bed gives them some of their warm fixes. A human’s body heat isn’t the one and only source of warmth.
So, even though your body heat is indeed one reason your cat snuggles up with you, it isn’t the only reason.


Sleeping in the wild is actually quite a dangerous affair for all animals. Once the eyes are closed, you’re vulnerable to any kind of an attack. So, when your kitty comes up to sleep beside you, you’re actually providing that extra security for them to chase mice in their dreams.
You’re more or less a giant security blanket. If something is about to go transpire, your cat knows they have a better chance of survival with you at their side.


You sure did read that right! Your kitty actually comes into bed to snuggle with you because kitty loves you! Cats often get a bad reputation when it comes to love and affection. Unlike most dogs that wag their tails and lick your face just because you’re alive, cats are somewhat more complicated. Cats show affection just as much and just as often as dogs do but in different ways.
Whether it’s by rubbing up against you, maybe giving you soft kisses, pawing at your face, cleaning, or always being in the exact same room that you’re in (and kitty pretending that it’s just a coincidence), it’s simply because your kitty loves you. So, when your cat snuggles down with you in bed, it’s truly a sign of affection because kitty genuinely wants to be with you.
Furthermore, a cat laying in bed with you and catching some zzz’s at your side is a sign of trust. They actually love your scents and they provide them comfort. It’s sort of like sharing the bed with a significant other for a while, and when they get up you can still smell them on your pillow, and it makes you smile, odd as that might seem!