
25+ of The Best Cat Tweets of 2016

Because I can!

This is no ordinary cat…that is a NINJA CAT


Therapy cat and best buddy all in one

Looks like a dream come true


Russian dolls

The Holy Spirit was busy, the cat was the best alternative to watch over the baby

He went for panda eyes!

These girls are naturals

A true star. Always under the spotlight.


These cats shall be named FluffyPine

Don’t shoot!

Guys on dating apps aren’t even this decent

How bad do you want that ice cream though?

I thought the midnight train went to Georgia


Walk like an Egyptian…

Looks like a daily ritual

“Can you hit the 3rd floor for me, bruh? Thanks”

I’m feeling MIND BLOWNED!!!!



Cat Loaf

“When your cat don’t work like it used to before.”

Nobody puts baby in the corner 😀

When you bring your cat to prom… XD

“THIS!… Is not as good as you made it out to be Willa…”


Admit it, that’s you too!

Hey, what’s up. Got you some lunch

“Joe I am so sick and tired of your anatomy terms… Floofen this flooden that.”

That cat has a beautiful coat



Thought it was some kind of abstract art


Smart cat. Knows what to do to get a comfy bed

What a patient cat!

“HALP she drowning! HAAAAALP! I can’t swim, I cant save her! HAAAAAALP!”


Love that the maple syrup bottle that says ‘That’s Smart!’

Looks like a weird face swap :O

*packs suitcase* *buys plane ticket*

The future world leader…

Calm down Alan


Now you own a cat

Did you know that’s water???

Mckayla cat

I like big butts and I cannot lie, has a total different meaning now!

“You took the last slice again… ok….”


Just keep hiding…just keep hiding


“Hey, Hey Shauna did you hear?… Did you hear about ISIS? Ya, Shauna its all over the news.” *This still goes on everyday*

“Oooo, Catmas tree oooo, Catmas tree…”

The purrrrfect storm…for an identity crisis