People on Reddit confessed the weirdest things their cats have done. They’re guaranteed to make you creeped out or laugh. Cats are definitely unique. You never know what each cat is up to, they’re crazy! You’re definitely going to have fun reading this. Cats are the best entertainment! I hope you enjoy it, get your popcorn ready.
1. “My first cat used to sit in the hall at night and meow an errily human hello?” – Vihurah
2. “My cat puts live spiders in her mouth and brings them to me… in my bed… while I’m sleeping.” – DishsoapOnASponge
3. “My cat sat up, voraciously licked his erect dick while simultaneously shitting himself.” – Onelilreggroll
4.“My cat blows air out of his nose like a cartoon bull when he’s excited to play. His little nose expands and he lets out a raspy squeak through it.” – reddit user

6. “Chicken makes him angry. If he gets a piece of it, he growls and snarls until it’s gone. No other meat makes him act like that.” – discourse_cummuter

7. “My cat will sit facing a random room corner and just stare at it for thirty minutes. Once in a while she’ll try to attack it. I’ve checked many times there is nothing on the wall when she stares at it for thirty minutes straight.” – subtopewdiepie

8. “One of my cats eats tape. I’m not talking about just chewing on it a bit, like she’ll literally swallow it and then barf it up later.” – loopsydoopsy
9. “My mates cat used to crap in the toilet” – reddit user
10. “My cat woke me up at 2am because he wanted to sit on my lap on the sofa.” – reddit user
11. Cat committed murder, “He bit a neighbour, the bite got infected, and the neighbour ended up dying.” – avec_aspartame
12. “Had this one water dispenser for over two years without it being a thing. If I let it run dry, she’d let me know by ramming her head into it, but that was very rare and it was mostly fine. Then all of a sudden she’d wake me up nearly every night ramming her head into it as if it were empty. Two times she knocked it off-kilter enough that it dumped everything more than the bowl could hold, and the second time was enough. I just got rid of it. Like you win, bitch. I don’t even know why you wanted this so bad, but there’s literally no other solution. You win.” – bucko_fazoo
13. “Two of our fluffy furballs like to wade out in the reeds of the lake to catch frogs and small fish.” – Lshifto
14. “My cat has an obsession with ramen noodles. Only cup noodles though. Anytime I try to eat them she steals them right as I’m about to put my fork into my mouth.” – reddit user
15. “This one is simultaneously the most insane and the smartest thing I’ve ever seen a cat do. Our cat, Crash, apparently noticed that when we cleaned his litter box, we would put his poop in plastic bags. One day, we heard the sound of a plastic bag rustling, looked over and saw him carrying a plastic Walmart bag over to his litter. He then spread it out with his paws and squatted in the middle of it to do his business, then wrapped it up when he was done. I guess he thought he was saving us a step later.” – Dfarrey89
16. “My grandma’s cat harasses me to stroke it’s back” – Realist-demon
17. “My cat puts her front legs into the air and hops around like a kangaroo.” – WonkyWarlusTF2625
18. “Start humping the dog… Cat is male dog is female…” – DaReelMemes