Home Stories 16 Cats Left In Plastic Bins, Waiting For New Life

16 Cats Left In Plastic Bins, Waiting For New Life

One night, when the staff members of a cat sanctuary went outside, they found 14 plastic bins in their driveway. The plastic bins had holes drilled  into them to let the cats and kittens inside, breathe. There were a total of 16 cats in the bins.

One night, when the staff members of a cat sanctuary went outside, they found 14 plastic bins in their driveway.
The plastic bins had holes drilled  into them to let the cats and kittens inside, breathe. There were a total of 16 cats in the bins.

The Sanctuary they were left at is called, “The Cat House”. It’s a no-kill cat sanctuary. Their goal is to take in cats and kittens that need care and give them the best possible life.
So, whoever dumped these cats there, dumped them at the right place. Not that dumping cats on driveways is a right thing to do. But, at least they did so, where it’s certain the cats would get well taken care of.

“The plastic tubs all matched and had carefully drilled air holes in them and were zip-tied closed to keep the kitties inside. Every tub had a fleece blanket,” said Harvie Schreiber of the Cat House on the Kings.

When they posted the picture of the cats on their driveway on Facebook, they received so much support, likes, and shares.
Staff members carried all 14 plastic bins inside and found out there were 16 cats total. Their ages ranged from newborn kittens to 3 years. One bin contained a mom cat with her two babies.
The cats seemed like they they were well taken care of because none of them appeared to be dirty. There was no note stating who dropped them off, or where they were coming from.

The Cat House sanctuary already has over 800 cats to care for, but that didn’t stop them from taking these 16 kitties in.
The organization takes in cats that are abandoned, and they care for them at the sanctuary. They also foster out cats and put up animals for adoption. Clearly, animals are in good hands there.
Some of the cats are a bit shocked still, but others have already been warming up to rescuers.
All the cats are in good health, but a few of them share an interesting trait – they have an extra toe!
Unfortunate how they were left behind, but thankfully they got picked up by loving  group of people. Share with friends!