
15 Typical Daily Disasters Cat Owners Are Very Familiar With

When you’re a cat owner, you deal with some struggles that not any other pet owner can relate to. Why? Because that’s just how “unique” cats are. The good news is that as much as their challenging personalities may stress you out, they’re cuteness surpasses all of it. So, the point is that when you wake up at 6AM on a Saturday, with your cat’s tail brushing your face, it’s totally worth it 🙂

When they wake you up at unfathomable hours.

When they add a “final touch” to your clean laundry.

When they bring home a new friend

When they suddenly MUST investigate.


When they help themselves to the “buffet.”

When they realize your keyboard is basically an at-home massage table.

When they um, hog the sink


When they require you to say the magic word before recycling.

When they think the Christmas tree is a private island filled with cat toys.

When they realize toilet paper is like the universe — possibly endless.

When they won’t let you forget this

When they cat-spread in your spot.


When they find the most inconvenient spot on your bed and refuse to back down.

When they see new furniture and must mark their territory.

When they know you skipped the gym and make you run around the house instead.

Be honest. Which ones apply to your cat(s)? Share with friends!