Home Funny 15+ Times Cats Declared: “If It Fits, I Sits” And Proved Themselves... Funny 15+ Times Cats Declared: “If It Fits, I Sits” And Proved Themselves Right catlov July 20, 2019 0 43311 13. My Cat Fell Asleep In My Salad 14. If I Fits, I Sits 15. I Don’t Fits, But I Still Sits 16. If I Fits, I Sits 17. Must Use Every Possibility To Sit 18. If I Fits I Sits (Fancy Edition) 19. If I Fits I… Abalglaphablarh! 20. My Girlfriend’s Cat Was Reunited With The Basket He Was Brought Home In 21. If I Fits, I Sits 22. Cat Liquid 23. My Cat Chewed An Armrest For Herself In A Box 24. If We All Fits, We All Sits! Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest ReddIt Email