
15 Of The Best Cat Fails, Ever!

Although cats walk around giving off the impression that they are just too cool for school, they’re actually quite silly behind that suave and mysterious exterior. So silly, that they are actually quite clumsy. But, it’s very entertaining to watch. Presenting the best entertainers of the day….these cats 🙂

I have made a terrible mistake.

Don’t leave me here

Don’t just stand there. Help me out!

Hey! Let me in!

I’m Open…I’m Open….Sh*t!

Oh dear 🙁 How did I get myself into this mess!

You take my tail, I’ll take your nose…

What do you think?


Help Me!!!

Everyone loves a slinky!

You’re home early…

Not funny!

Oh great! Gonna have to find a new hiding spot now!

Oh I see it now!

Dogs aren’t the only ones with a sense of humor. Cats certainly know how to be silly too 🙂 Share with friends!