Home Cute 15+ Cats Who Love Sun More Than Anything

15+ Cats Who Love Sun More Than Anything

We all know by know that when cats are not taking a nap, they are usually plotting our demise such as taking over the world. If there's one thing they like more than that it would probably be soaking up the sun and catching their daily dose of Vitamin D. Cat's regular body temperature is higher than human's (102°), they are desert creatures that originated in the Middle East where they developed a high tolerance to the heat. They have a very high metabolism and a lot of energy goes to keeping them warm. That's why when they find a sunny spot to lie down, they will, as it actually conserves their energy and offsets the drop in basal metabolism that comes with sleep shutting down certain processes in the body. That metabolic heat advantage is exactly why they love them some sun - or warmth - and can get in the most uncomfortable positions to get it.

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