
13 Photos That Prove Cats And Dogs Are Worlds Apart

You know how people say, “I’m a cat person,” or “I’m a dog person”, well that’s because there’s no grey area between the two. They are so different from the other. And, one isn’t better than the other. It’s just the challenges you face with one, you may not with the other. But, if you really think about it, the differences between the two, are actually quite funny….hysterical even….

How they treat water…

…and behave on a walk

When we’re trying to work at home

 How they choose a comfortable place to sleep

…ride in a car


…welcome owners home

…react when we pet them

…sleep with their owner

…sleep with their owner

…ask to be held

…chase after the light

…treat an owner

Are you a cat person, or a dog person? Share with friends!