
13 Convincing Reasons Why Not To Have A Pet Cat To See If You’re Still Up For The Challenge Of Getting A Cat

Are you planning to get a cat? Because your friend, the internet, or someone you know recommended to get them? Well, here’s a list that you should consider. If you’re okay with all of this, then I 100% suggest getting a cat! Because truthfully, the pros are better than the cons. But for this article, we’re gonna be focusing on the cons! Here are 13 reasons why you should not get a cat.

1. They will claw your furniture. Even if you have a scratching post.

2. Expensive vet fees.

3. Everything will be covered in hair.

4. They can jump five times their height, so they will knock things off.

5. If they want attention, they’ll get it as they’ll sit on your monitor/keyboard. 

6. Some cats would pee/poop on your things to show that they’re angry. Even when they’re not angry, they can poop anywhere if they haven’t been trained to use a litter box.

7. If you leave food unattended, consider it gone.

8. It’s hard to let them take their medicine.

9. Fleas.

10. Vomit and hairball.

11. They’re gonna wake you up at midnight.

12. You have to let them in/out.

13. They’re weird – creepy, funny, all weirdness basically.

Are you still getting a cat? let us know your decision in the comment section :))