
10+ Very UnPhotogenic Cats That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Some of us just naturally take photos better than others and this rule doesn’t just apply to us humans. While smiling is a natural instinct for most of us…it’s not that easy say for a cat. So what better way to make us feel better about our not so photogenic photos than compiling a hilarious list of horribly non-photogenic cats!

Go To Bed You’re Drunk

Blah 😛

Turn That Justin Beiber Song Down

Bing Bong

When You’re Studying For Exams…

This Is Bat Cat


Too Much Nip

“My Co-workers Cat Has Suddenly Realized Something I Want To Know About”

Elfie & Gimli are Cartoon Villains

“39 Our Cat Was So Photogenic When He Was A Kitten”


Aww Yisss, Catnip

“I Guess My Cat Isn’t Very Photogenic”

Garrus, Total Charmer

Cat Sneezing

Someone Seems To Have Drank All The Bottles…

Credit goes to derthecat

A Picture Tells A Thousand Words…


Can You Feel The Sneeze Coming?

Unflattering Cat Selfie

Derpy Cat


Deeeep Sleeeep

If these made you laugh be sure to share it with your friends!