Cats are often said to be aloof and independent but they can also have the same emotions as humans — from empathy and love to hate and fear.They sometimes even experience them in a much brighter way than we do. They don’t abandon those that need help and they show empathy to strangers.
“I don’t know the name of this cat or whose cat he is but we’ve been friends for over 2 years now. Every morning at about 5 a.m., I go for a walk and he follows me.”
“I was bathing the little cat and it was screaming. The older cat that hates water jumped in and tried to pull him out. And they say that animals can’t love…”
“That time I finally managed to get a picture of my 12-year-old cat licking my 11-year-old dog, which always confuses the dog and she slowly moves away as if to be polite…”